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Stone Were Heaped in a Sambisari Temple

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sabohkata-The temple was not famous as a temple Prambanan, Borobudur or Boko. But very unfortunate if you travel to Yogyakarta and you missed a temple this one. The temple name is Sambisari Temple. Quoted from yogyes com Temples found in 1966 this Need time for 21 years to the excavation and to find separate parts a temple. The temple is lower than the surrounding area of about 6.5 meters of the temple that has its own characteristic.
According to the story , the district is heaped up land in the past caused by an eruption eruption of mount merapi that so violent , so that some the surrounding area have also heaped up In 1966 , a farmer when he did want  to working in his fields, but suddenly his hoe hit a large stone, at the time of review the stone carving has turned out such carving in the temple are generally, Then he and other residents reported to the office of paleontologists for further investigation, and that is true a chunk of the temple.
The temple was located in the village of Sambisari, Purwomartani, subdistrict Kalasan, Sleman district Yogyakarta. Special of the temple is the spot was taking pictures of sunrise when the morning, With the angles being suitable and if you were lucky you will get background mount of Merapi from the north.

This temple is fenced off from the four sides by arrangement of rocks, entering the area of the temple you will find 4 temple, 1 main temple and 3 accompanying Temple facing the main temple. A temple companion present there is no a roof as a main temple and the stones are incomplete. According to information the rocks that serves as a roof not found during the process of excavation .
If you want get information about Sambisari Temple, you can ask to information official. Many information you will get abot Sambisari Temple, Begin of temple before excavation, the picture of excavation process during 21 years, and included Statue made of bronze found the excavation process they are saved in Departement of Antiquities.

Let keep the tourism attractions us as a relic that must be in the enjoy by our grandchildren, One of them by not littering And not damaging tourism objects like climbing the temple To comply with all rules which are found in the neighborhood of an object tourism. Let keep our nature let s preserve our culture.

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